International Shipping To Additional Countries and FBA

My publisher has recently added Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) support for shipping. What this means is that the book is kept in stock at an Amazon warehouse and can be shipped as if it were any other product. This includes overnight shipping and international shipping to many more countries than can be supported via the Paypal fulfillment channel. Amazon prime shipping rates (where available) and most other Amazon policies apply.  The discount from retail is less than on the author web site primarily because Amazon charges a significant fee for providing this service, but it does have advantages for many readers.

You can, of course, choose whichever channel makes sense to you based on total cost, delivery time, and whether you prefer to do business with Amazon.  This link has pointers to both options.

Perhaps most importantly for many readers, the Amazon web site seems to indicate they will ship to India and China. If you have feedback about the Amazon service (both good and bad) please let me know.  In particular, if you are from India or China and find that the service worked for you that would be very helpful to know. Thanks!

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